In order for us to all be proud of our dojo and the excellent quality of instruction provided there-in, we ask that you observe the following list of basic etiquette/protocol and abide by it.
- Always wear something on your feet as you cross the car parking area.
- No jewelry (earrings, watches, bracelets, friendship bracelets, necklaces, or tongue-studs) is to be worn on the mat. If ears have just been pierced with a stud or sleeper that must be kept in, they must have a piece of tape/plaster over the top to secure and cover them.
- Always do a standing bow as you walk onto or off the mat area.
- Do not, under any circumstances, use bad, abusive or offensive language anywhere in the dojo.
- Permission must be obtained from the class instructor before leaving the mat during any class. For hygiene reasons, you should also wear footwear when leaving the mat.
- If for any reason, you wish to share the mat area with a regular class to do independent training, it is polite to ask the instructor of that class if they mind.
- Noise from all parents/observers should be kept to a minimum so as not to distract the class participants or instructors.
- All judoka must bring their own drink bottles to judo with them.
- Always check the length of your fingernails and toenails to ensure that they cannot scratch either yourself or your partner.
- Due to the cost of products all senior judoka should have their own first aid kit – at the bare minimum, strapping tape, sticking plasters and cotton wool. Juniors should also have ready access to sticking plasters for minor injuries.
- Any bleeding fingers, toes or other body parts must be covered – not only for obvious health reasons but also as a courtesy to avoid bleeding on other player’s judogi. Any blood spill on the mat should immediately cleaned with bleach (which can be found in the kitchen under the bench). Judogis should be immediately spot-bleached as a blood borne viruses (e.g. Hepatitis C) can live in dried blood for up to two months. They should then be washed as soon as possible.
We would like to thank you in anticipation for observing the required etiquette/protocol as mentioned above!